I don't think there are many bird cuter than the saw-whet owl. Maybe the Cuban tody with its anima look or the far-out fair wren down under. Certainly the saw-whet is the most adorable bird of prey. Of course, the tiny elf owl, goofy borrowing owl, and angry pigmy owl might all beg to differ. But Cute Christa and I didn't see one of those owls in Beacon Hill Park. We spotted Chain-Saw-Whet.
Owlers don't find the diminutive saw-whet often because that live in shrubs, leafy trees, and thick conifers. We've only seen two saw-whets. Both in the fall, when they migrate. Both in thick bushy under brush. And we were alerted to both by little birds freaking out. The best give away for saw-whets are normally quiet little birds chirping up an indignant storm. On this day, there were kinglets, bush tits, chickadees, and nuthatches loosing there shit over this stoic owl. Chain-Saw-Whet could careless about the cacophony of birds or the people walking by under the owl butt. I was even able to get a selfie with Chain-Saw-Whet. Yes, Chain-Saw-Whet is that small, about the size of a medium sized maple leaf or a bit larger than a cell phone.
Because saw-whets are so good at hiding, it is hard to know if they are doing well or not. They also tend to have years with lots of them and year with less, but ornithologists don't why a year will be good or bad. There is a banding project that occurs every year at Rocky Point over in Mechosen. I can't go because Pedder Bay is too close and I would have to go fishing.
I love Chain-Saw-Whet's big eyes. They scream, "What you looking at, Willis." Or, "Stop staring at my butt!" With their big eyes they catch mice, voles, and little bird, which is why saw-whets are so roundly harassed by other bird. The harassment doesn't phase them. They just hunker down and let the mob pass.
The only other way to find saw-whets is listen for their call. The name saw-whet is in reference to sharpening a saw as their call is similar to that sound. Our saw-whet, thought chainsaws are the most bad ass saw and took on the moniker Chain-Saw-Whet.
I hope you get a chance to find a little saw-whet like Chain-Saw-Whet. It's a combination of luck and listening for the angry birds.